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Peer Advice: Places to Study on Campus

Photo of MBKU sign on a building

Oh no! Classes are about to start, and you're wondering if there are any suitable study spaces on campus. Well, worry not! I'm here to help you explore some potential study spots at MBKU!

Finding the right place to study on campus is crucial as it can significantly enhance your performance. Fortunately, MBKU offers a range of spaces that you can utilize as study areas, and I'll provide a brief description of each location.

Let's start with the MBKU Memorial Library. The library boasts several study areas, including an open area, cubicles, a quiet area, and study rooms. Moreover, you'll find charging outlets at almost every table, so you won't have to worry about your devices running out of power.

The open area in the library is ideal if you prefer a spacious environment with high ceilings for studying. What's great about this area is the abundance of windows that allow natural lighting and offer views of the beautiful trees and creek. Additionally, there are cubicles in the middle of the library, perfect for minimizing visual distractions. Many of my friends find this area conducive to studying.

Photo of the MBKU Library    Photo of the MBKU Library cubicles

Personally, my favorite spot to study is the quiet area. When I need to be in an ultra-focused studying mode, this area provides the perfect setting. With minimal noise, I can concentrate better. Similar to the other areas, the quiet area also features windows that bring in natural light and provide views of the surrounding trees and creek.

Photo of the MBKU Library quiet area

For group study sessions, there are study rooms available both inside and outside the library. Just keep in mind that the rooms are not soundproof. As an added benefit, there's a TV in the study rooms where you can connect your devices. To reserve the inside study rooms, you can use the reservation system found at this link.

Apart from the library, there are other buildings on campus where you can find study spaces, such as the Warren & Carol Low Student Union. Many students come here to eat, grab a snack, or relax by playing games. If you prefer a lively environment for studying, this could be a great option. However, it's worth noting that the availability of outlets is limited to seats near the walls. Nonetheless, I've never had any issues accessing one.

Photo of the MBKU Student Rec  Photo of the MBKU Student Rec


Photo of the MBKU Student Lounge

If you enjoy studying outdoors, MBKU offers various spots where you can do just that! You'll find benches located beside the Warren & Carol Low Student Union and near the Administrative building. Additionally, you can bring a picnic blanket and head over to Patricia Hopping Commons for a refreshing outdoor study session.

Photo of the MBKU Patio  Photo of MBKU picnic tables  Photo of MBKU picnic tables

I hope these suggestions help you find the perfect study spot on campus. Remember, choosing a suitable environment can greatly contribute to your academic success. Happy studying!