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Peer Advice: The world of pharmacy is small, or is it?

Logo for the California Pharmacists Association

COP class of 2027.

My name is Richard Liou, I’m a current P2 and I just wanted to give y’all some advice on what it means to be part of the MBKU Pharmily. A year ago I was in the exact same spot you were in, questioning if this was the right choice, and if I could actually make an impact. The answer is YES! Although the world of pharmacy is small, there are many different paths that can open up your world, especially in the field of pharmacy. I went to a So-Cal mixer that was hosted by CPhA and was introduced to a myriad of professionals that have been in the field of pharmacy for quite some time. It ranged from legislative members who are advocating for pharmacists, to clinical pharmacists, and to providers who currently work in industry and many more. But I think what I’m looking to say here is that you are not just limited to working as a pharmacist in a local community pharmacy or hospital. The door has just opened for you and MBKU gives you many opportunities to find your passion. I encourage everyone in the COP class of 2027 to join a pharmacy organization in their first year and see what is out there.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. -lao tzu