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Dr. Rima Khankan: Pinch-to-Zoom Dissections

For Dr. Rima Khankan, the most deeply rewarding part of teaching at Marshall B. Ketchum University, where the many levels of support from the President on downward contribute to an academic atmosphere that to her feels more like a home, is when she sees the eyes of her students light up with understanding and engagement. As the principal faculty member in charge of MBKU’s Anatomage virtual cadaver technology, she has many such opportunities with students from all three of MBKU’s disciplines. 

Matt Breneman: Capture the Imagination

When Matt Breneman, the Director of Multi-Media Services at Marshall B. Ketchum University, began the task of developing the use of Lecture Capture technology, he expected at least a little bit of resistance. “No one really likes the sound of their own voice in a recording,” he quips. And even though it was a process that demanded a lot of hard work from his department – building an infrastructure to create, manage and store lecture content – eventually it passed the most important test of all: the students really use it.